BMC Toys: Plastic Army Women Project: Update #6 and Happy Tanksgiving!

Posted by Jeff Imel on

Pre-Order now to receive your set of Plastic Army Women as soon as they are available in Fall 2020. Your Credit Card will not be charged until your order is ready to ship.

Pre-Order BMC Toys Plastic Army Women



It's a windy Thanksgiving Day here and there's a ton of things to be thankful for...

I'm really excited to announce that The Strong National Museum of Play has requested Plastic Army Women prototypes and concept sketches for their collection.  It's an extra-special honor for us since the museum inducted Little Green Army Men into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 2014. We'll be sending the museum artifacts just after the product launch next year.

BMC Toys Plastic Army Women Kickstarter
The BMC Toys Plastic Army Women Kickstarter launched just a few days ago and thanks to an amazing group of supporters reached the funding goal of $11,400 in under 12 hours. As of today the campaign is 300% of the funding goal and reached 5 really important stretch goals. This means that packs of Plastic Army Women will now include 36 figures and 12 different poses and will be available in 3 colors: OD Green, Tan and Pink. I know some supporters don't like the idea of pink soldiers, but a lot of folks asked for the option. Here's the figure lineup:

  • Pathfinder Captain
  • Standing Rifleman
  • Kneeling Rifleman
  • Prone Sniper
  • Grenadier
  • Bazooka Operator
  • Running Rifleman
  • Combat Medic
  • Low-Crawl Rifleman
  • Radio Operator
  • Wounded Soldier
  • Light Machine Gunner

New stretch goals have been added that would expand the set even further with a Medical Team, Dog, & Dog Handler.  

I'm getting ready to add more rewards and even some add-ons to the Kickstarter Campaign over the next few days. One of the things I'm working on is some bucket and boxed playsets. Some of these will include Men and Women Soldiers in the same set, which has been a frequent request.

The sculptor has nearly completed 10 figures and is working on a special mystery figure as a little side project for the campaign. Here's what the first 6 figures look like:

BMC Toys Plastic Army Women Captain Prototype
BMC Toys Plastic Army Women Standing Rifleman Prototype
BMC Toys Plastic Army Women Kneeling Rifleman Prototype
BMC Toys Plastic Army Women Sniper & Grenadier Prototypes
BMC Toys Plastic Army Women Bazooka Operator Prototype

The success of the Kickstarter started another round of media stories. So far 3 different reporters are scheduled to stop by in December. Here's some of the stories published since the last update:

December 4, 2019:
Ruptly by Edgar Costa: Female toy soldiers join ranks of the 'Little Green Army'

November 26, 2019: Connecting Vets by Abbie Bennett: Campaign for plastic Army women inspired by a 6-year-old...

Plastic Memory by Scott Beatty: BMC Toys Kickstarts PLASTIC ARMY WOMEN! by Kelli Catana: Female Toy Soldiers In The Making Thanks To A 6-Year-Old Girl

November 25, 2019:
New York Times by Jeremy Engle: Lesson of the Day ‘A 6-Year-Old Asks ...

November 22, 2019:
NEPA Scene by Rich Howells: BMC Toys in Scranton blows up Kickstarter goal...

November 22, 2019:
The Scranton Times-Tribune / The Citizens Voice by Jon O'Connell: Scranton toymaker broadens scope of little green...

November 20, 2019:
The Toy Book by James Zahn: BMC Toys Scores a Kickstarter Win...

November 18, 2019:
Warhorse Miniatures by Mike Prendergast: BMC Toys Plastic Army Women Kickstarter...

THV11 by Marlisa Goldsmith: Where are the toy army women?

November 15, 2019:
Task & Purpose by Haley Britzky: A fundraising campaign to make little green Army women...

USA Today by Sonja Haller: These 8 toys crush bigotry and stereotypes...

November 11, 2019:
The Fem Word by Brooke Galonek: A Conversation with Jeff Imel...

October 21, 2019:
Daily Mail by Chris Dyer: US manufacturer to sell female toy soldiers...

September 23, 2019:
Daily Mail by David Matthews: Toy company debuts female toy soldiers...

September 18, 2019:
Industrial Equipment News by Alex Shanahan & Jeff Reinke: Hall of Fame Toy Gets Huge Update

Happy Tanks'giving Everyone!

Jeff at BMC Toys


June 20, 2018: BMC Toys: Plastic Army Women Project Original Post

August 10, 2019: BMC Toys: Plastic Army Women Project: Update #1

August 30, 2019: BMC Toys: Plastic Army Women Project: Update #2 (IT'S HAPPENING!)

September 9, 2019: BMC Toys: Plastic Army Women Project: Update #3

October 20, 2019: BMC Toys: Plastic Army Women Project: Update #4

November 8, 2019: BMC Toys: Plastic Army Women Project: Update #5

December 24, 2019: BMC Toys: Plastic Army Women Project: Update #7 and Merry Christmas!

March 8, 2020: BMC Toys: Plastic Army Women Project: Update #8

May 22, 2020: BMC Toys: Plastic Army Women Project: Update #9

May 22, 2020: BMC Toys: Plastic Army Women Project: Update #10

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  • Will you be putting out more fighting poses? I am a long time toy soldier collector. Nothing is more aggravating than figures that are made with rifles or pistols pointed at the ground or up at the sky. Hand to hand combat with knives or with other weapons would be very cool. Are you making more poses with the female army soldiers?

    Ed Rothman on
  • I was also wondering when we will be able to start ordering these sets. As new figures come out, will we be able to purchase them separately or will we need to order a new set each time?

    Kelli Vasquez on
  • When will these be available to purchase or is this a Kickstarter?

    Tamara Parsons on

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